The purpose of the project was to explore an area in London in depth to find different resources such as museums, library and gallery to make a game.
Our area of research was Camberwell SE5 in south London. As none of the group members were familiar to the area we decided to visit the place and photograph the sites around the area. We then did some research of our sites of interest through internet, and we met up with the group to gather our researches.
After allocating what we would research individually, I choose the task of researching Building of Architectural significance, were I looked at St Giles church. I looked at the history of the building and found some interesting sources but then I decided to make it more specific and to do that I looked at the church’s window designed by John Ruskin, a local resident.
From what I observed within the group there was a good communication and understanding between the members of the group and apart from some people who didn’t attend the meetings the rest cooperated with the rest of the group and at this point some people felt like they were making more effort in organizing things, But after discussion within the group we were able to pull the group together.
Having frequent meeting each week gave us the advantage of coming up with creative ideas and gave us the chance of discussing each persons idea.
The overall plan of our game was to create an enjoyable and playable game within the time given. We decided on making a clue boxes on a board which each box contains a map to find the destination quicker, a picture and the list of tasks to do for the game. We then decided to divide the board into four pieces of puzzle form so it would be easier to carry and for creative purpose.
I found this experience very interesting and I got to know to two areas of London. Working in group has taught me how to communicate and discuss with other people and exchange ideas.
Overall I’m pleased with the outcome of our game. However If I was to do this game again I would like to include more tasks and questions and make each one different form the other to make the game more interesting. And I would have preferred if the game was at the day time so we would have had time to play the game in the day light and had more time to finish it.
1. Website authors. (2007). The Parish of St. Giles with St. Mathew. Available:
2. Website authors. (2007). Camberwell Guide. Available:
3. Camberwels history. Available:
4. author. (2007). Google Maps. Available:
7.Camberwell. Wikipedia. Available: